Tuesday 17 September 2013

It Smells Like Fall

Yesterday I got home from work after 32 days out. When I left it was warm, sunny and there were still two weeks left of Summer. As I drove home yesterday and watched School buses picking up children I realized Summer was over and Fall was definitely right around the corner. This morning while doing some house cleaning I opened some windows and the smell of the cool crisp air made me a little sad summer was over. Although, it was a nice change from the salty-air-mixed-with-diesel-fumes I've been inhaling these last 4 weeks! 
After reading the mail and going through some magazines a friend dropped off for me, I got into the newest Kraft What's Cooking magazine! I totally love them and smile every time one appears in my mail box. There were a few recipes with "Apples" as the high light ingredient so I decided to pick out one and get to it. Apple Peanut Butter Streusel Muffins was my pick but I didn't have Granny Smith Apples so I substituted with Macintosh. I also wanted to use a bunt pan instead of muffin pans. I greased it well and placed some of the streusel on the bottom (which ends up being the top!) and then a thin layer of batter than another layer of streusel and finished off with the remainder batter. I used a spoon to smooth it out and baked it for 45 minutes at the recommended heat from the original recipe. I have to say, the smell of cinnamon, peanut butter and apples have filled my house and I'm okay with Summer being over and Fall arriving! 

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