Monday 22 April 2013

Saturday Nights Supper Makes a Great Monday Morning Breakfast!

Leftovers. I don't know anyone who doesn't have leftovers in their fridge. If you're anything like myself, you tend to cook too much and you're left with a few odds and ends from a couple of different meals in your fridge.
Saturday night ended up with friends from the city and Prime Rib steaks on the BBQ! Sweet potato, new potatoes, peppers, red onion, mushrooms and regular onions all cooked up for on the side. So delish! We had chicken nachos to start though, so we couldn't finish our steaks or our sides. They were containerized and put in the fridge. Leftovers.
When I am home on my days off from work, I try and make Darryl a nice cooked breakfast every morning. Some days it's just boiled eggs and toast. Some mornings I make him eat cereal, because we should eat cereal far more often than we do! Today I decided I needed to get rid of some leftovers. Clean out the fridge!
I chopped up the steak, peppers, onions and mushrooms, a new potato and tossed it all in a frying pan.
Looks pretty good doesn't it?

Then I whipped up 4 Large Eggs with some milk, salt, pepper and a few squirts of BBQ sauce!
 Poured the eggs in the pan....
 Cooked it a little on the stove top, then put it in the oven on broil.....
 Topped it off with some mozza....

Broiled it again......

and served it up with some toast made with my homemade multigrain bread!!!!
Leftovers aren't so bad!

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